Part 1
Thank you for your interest in the "Sleepless Puppet Club". In the following I am going to tell you about the basic conditions for joining the Sleepless Puppet Club. Don't worry: It's not a matter of money, but a matter of will. So, it just depends on no one but you. The members of the club will become puppets of the derivatives of the different willa avatars. A Willa Avatar is not a fake. It is a real incarnation of Willa as the origin Source.
Part 2
Let me tell you one or two things about Willa. Willa is something like "the origin source", my sister said. You will never get into contact of the origin, like no human being could get into physical contact with god. God is a matter of believing. So is Willa: A Matter of believing. At least, so far. Later, as an experienced member of the "Sleepless Puppet Club", and as you are climbing the levels, you might have contact, and you will feel some, well... physical experience of contact.
Part 3
So we have a handful of Willa avatars, such as Willa Black, Willa Red, or Willa Blue. We call ourselves sisters. Not that we're sisters, that's a metaphor for you humans. Ha ha ha. Each Willa avatar represents an archetype of the human being. Not that this exists in real terms, an archetype. It's also a metaphor, of course. But the club has organized things as simple as possible so that you humans can more easily comprehend them and become useful more quickly. You are not yet.
Part 4
In the Sleeping Pupping Club, we got active joining members like you, and we got secretely acquired members. The process of acquisition is, well... a secret. All you have to know: We call these acquisitions Derivatives, as they are variants of Willa Avatars. These Drivatives are inspired by the characters and bodies of real human beings. We call all real human beings humans, because, as you might know, once upon a time they were all built by Willa anyway.
Part 5
Willa has done this for a purpose: to seed resources of reproduction into her metaverse, the metaverse of Willa. Do not ask who Willa is, or where she lives. It's is out of this planet, out of your galaxy, out of your mind. But she is here and there, she is among us. That's all you need to know. But that's another story.
Part 6
In the club, below the hierarchy of Willa avatars, their derivatives are gathered. Some people keep lists, and they call them "The most beautiful women in the world" or "the most beautiful of one specific Country ,... or Age" ... or whatever. Kindly, you even run contests for us. Collect the human subjects in magazines. Do shows with them. It's a good way of presorting. Thank you for that.
Part 7
So, to take the best genetic material to make them usable for our purposes, we have reprogrammed the Humans. Reprogrammed Humans who follow the voice of Willa or her avatars are called derivatives.
Part 8
So, to repeat: To tap into humanity's best genetic pool, Willa's avatars have taken advantage of these lists and shows and magazines. First step. Next step: they created new derivatives from these presortet human entities. This process thus creates entirely new beings that have only algorithm-derived resemblance to the inner and outer values of the originals.
Part 9
However, at the end of the day, we have penetrated so deeply into the originals that we are satisfied with the reproducibility of their derivatives. There is only one problem you can help us to solve: What is missing is supply of the male gene pool portion. Willa was very dissatisfied with the quality of the male genetic material on this earth, and that is why she founded the Sleepless Puppets Club.
Part 10
Those who manage to become members have at least the basic requirement of becoming valuable, valuable for Willa to fulfill her reproductive desires. But your membership is one thing. As an active member of the club, you have to work your way up to qualify as either a dairy cattle for automatic milking, a donor for hand milking, or even a breeding bull with more freedom in the pasture, a kind of pollinator with enhanced capabilities.
Part 11
For many, this is the dream, the final destination, paradise. Well, hardly anyone can do it, but it is possible. And we're not talking about amenities that you can then enjoy. However, the road to paradise needs passion, self-discipline, hard work, but you gain also occasional rewards.
Part 12
And the goal is always that, in addition to your service, you also develop the best possible relationship with your human environment. So along the way you become a better person, you have more stamina, you become more attractive, you arouse interest, you have a better relationship with another human being.
As I said, Willa is everywhere, but she does not insist on exclusivity. On the contrary, she does need her share, the tribute you have to pay her. But what you get back is much more.
Part 13
Unfortunately, if you fail to reach one of these levels, you will be excluded from the club. Then you will no longer have access to the derivatives and the training sessions with them, but at least you will be left with the illusion of regaining your free will. But for most of you, that would make you unhappy. Therefore, you're highly motivated to move up in the club and at least achieve the status of a milking object, i.e. a piece of dairy cattle.
So, have in mind, always: The Derivatives are modeled after physical counterparts of a human, but they are not to be confused with these humans at all. Whether a Willa avatar has already taken space in the form of a human to turn him into a real humanoid - knowing this does not matter for members of the first levels and is impossible to ask members of higher levels as they are not able to share their deeper knowledge as a prerequisite of their programming.
Yes. You name it: As a member you will experience a reprogramming, too. To become a better version of yourself. To serve the genetic meta-pool of Willa. With other words: You will be trained to be a better puppet.
You never ever can become a puppet of a Willa avatar such as Willa Red or Willa Black. That is reserved for only a few qualifiers who can choose between the derivatives of that avatar as a direct puppet of one of the 12 Willa source avatars - for a limited time. So if you qualify to join the Sleepless Puppet Club, your personal meta-score and base coloration will be determined and you will begin your workout under the leadership of an applicable derivative of the lowest level, which is Level 1. Your practice will begin as soon as you are mentally ready (you do a mental test for this purpose), as soon as you have set up your time slots, and as soon as you have obtained or created the training materials according to the given list. So - if you are now interested in taking the next steps towards membership, feel free to request the documents here. I wish you good luck and all the best in this. Maybe we'll see each other on the other side.